About Leila

If I Know You

You are an entrepreneur or a professional who knows they have been gifted and you are ready to forge your own path and contribute that magic to the world only you can bring. You have a desire to show up and communicate yourself in a way that’s genuine, authentic, and effective. You are finally ready to get intentional and strategic with your off/online presence.
There are so many ideas you have and want to implement that you feel overwhelmed. You know you need to narrow your focus so you can become more compelling and impactful. You know what you want to do, but it’s hard to know where to start and you feel a little lost right now especially when you look at the “crowded” market place.


At the end of the day, all you need is someone to help you cut out the noise, discover your bankable gift, and help you gain clarity on the message you want to communicate to your audienceMy job is to give you a step-by-step road map to get you there.


I’ll never forget the first time I ever heard the term “Personal Branding”.
I started my entrepreneurial journey as a passionate fashion accessory designer while working as a tv and radio journalist and I didn’t have a clue what I was doing! All I knew was that I wanted to have my own business because i couldn’t make ends meet with my job alone. When i left my job because i got sick from the stress and overwhelm of the job,I had this side hustle to rely on.As i worked to grow this from a side hustle to a business, i discovered and fell in love with branding and design.I was contracted to write several articles one of which was an article on the 50 most influential women in my country. I was so excited about this because I have always been passionate about women. That was not going to happen. I discovered that over 80% of these women had no online presence. There was no means of reaching out to them. I reported to the lady who contracted me and she told me about the absence of Personal Branding.Prior to that moment I had never heard of that. Immediately I got home I began researching. It sounded so much like what I want to do, I had aha moments!Out of the many coaches and mentors I wrote to, two responded almost immediately. One of them, a veteran in the Personal Branding sector (over 30yrs)She opened up her world to me and poured out years of experience and gave me the go ahead to step out in 2015. That we the birth of KARA Communications, a branding and communication Company where we are passionate about helping female owned brands and businesses stand out.Truth be told, I was brand new at this thing. A total novice. I had just finished my certification and had taken a giant leap into entrepreneurship. As a first time founder, I remember feeling terrified. I felt like an impostor—and am sure it showed..However, I knew deep down that I had the training and the talent. My unique personality and professional expertise as a journalist were as good as any. I just needed to communicate this in a way that my potential clients could understand.


I began organizing workshops to validate the idea. I had over 20 participants and this was unbelievable. Then I knew it was something worth pursuing. So I organized a second, then a third, a fourth…Then, I had to find out how to leverage social media as a way to make me appear more credible? I enrolled for a 30 day personal branding challenge (borrowed money) I discovered during this challenge where to focus in order to show up and communicate as a professional. I also started a personal blog and began blogging about the things I knew well (branding, communication and my own personal story). I optimized all of my social media profiles to represent the kind of expert my clients needed me to be (the person I truly was). Then, I began marketing myself on Facebook then Instagram and some LinkedIn. Eventually, over time, I was able to cultivate an engaged audience across these platforms. Then, my work began to pay off.I got more confident. More exposure. More inquiries. More awareness. More recognition. It was the most powerful form of marketing I had ever executed. This is personal branding. Your personal brand is the secret ingredient that will make your business irresistible. It gives your audience a clear understanding of who you are, what you do, and why you do it.



I work with Entrepreneurs and Professionals spanning across industries. I’ve spoken at a number of events and gatherings, featured on the national business daily and interviewed on different television stations. In all my experience, I will tell you that no individual is the same; everyone has a unique God given purpose and the world needs that gift that only you can give. Do you know what this and how to communicate it to the world? I believe it takes a Personal Brand Strategist to help you uncover and convey this in a way that’s powerful and effective.The need to respond to the needs of more clients worldwide led me to create online programs that help clients achieve results at a pace that suits their current needs and means. This is inspired by real people who have come to me with a burning desire to make an impact and influence the world by sharing their personal story and professional expertise.I am certain building your personal brand is the best investment you will ever make. It will change the way you see yourself, and how you show up to serve those you are called to.

Discover Your Purpose | Communicate Your Message | Impact Your Audience

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